Patrick Rummerfield
The first phone call I received after enrolling into the Restorative Therapy program at the Kennedy Krieger Institute was from Pat. He called me up and told me that he worked for Kennedy Krieger and was calling to talk to me about the program and to learn more about me. After talking briefly about my story, I asked him to tell me how he got involved with Kennedy Krieger. He went on to talk about his story (click here to learn more about Pat’s amazing story) which at first was overwhelming. Pat’s story begins with a four level spinal cord injury leaving him completely paralyzed from the shoulders down. That is just the beginning of his story which continues with him becoming the first known person to fully recover from a severe spinal cord injury. This was exactly what I needed to hear at that point in my life. My motivation level was at an all-time high and I was focused to start the program at KKI. Since talking with Pat on the phone we have become very close friends. If I ever have a question relating to the spinal cord injury world that I have trouble answering I always turn to Pat because he has been extremely active with the spinal cord injury community since the early 70s. Thank you Pat for always being there and for sharing your inspirational story with the world.
Click here to read more about when Pat took me out in a NASCAR – no joke!!!