Josh’s Story

Skidmore Tennis 2004
Josh Basile, a C4-5 quadriplegic, lives in Maryland and is a trial attorney working in Washington, DC. Growing up, Josh attended the Bullis School, graduating in 2003 where tennis and golf were his top passions. A natural athlete, Josh played number one singles for the Bullis Varsity Team and was recruited to play tennis at Skidmore College. He played for one year at Skidmore before his life was turned completely upside-down.
In August 2004, while on his family’s annual summer vacation in Bethany Beach, DE, Josh was picked up by a single wave and was slammed headfirst against the ocean floor. The impact shattered his fifth cervical vertebra leaving him paralyzed from the shoulders down.

MRI 2004 – – – – – – – – – – – – – – Baltimore Shock Trauma August 2004

Kennedy Krieger Institute 2005
Soon after his injury, during his first year of outpatient rehabilitation at the Kennedy Krieger International Center for Spinal Cord Injury he became a passionate supporter of restorative therapies, which focuses on moving an individual’s body both above and below their level of injury with the help of specialized equipment and techniques. Josh believes there will be a cure someday for those living with spinal cord injuries, hence Determined2Heal, and believes it’s important to keep one’s body healthy to meet science and technology halfway.
Within months after his injury, Josh resumed his goal of pursuing a higher education and graduated cum laude from the University of Maryland College Park with a BA in communication. After receiving his bachelor’s, he went on to study law at the University of the District of Columbia David A. Clarke School of Law, graduating in 2013 magna cum laude and passing the bar exam on the first try.

Maryland Court of Appeals 2013
Josh has not let his injury slow him down, but rather approaches each and every day with an attitude that so much life has yet to be lived. He wakes up each morning with a passion and an excitement to go after his goals and dreams. With the right attitude anything is possible!

The Pendulum Putter
Josh now practices law as a trial attorney with Jack H. Olender & Associates where he fights for the catastrophically injured in medical malpractice and personal injury cases. His favorite activity these days is a sport he invented called Slingshot Golf, which opens doors for persons with physical limitations to competitively play golf.

Slingshot Golf Fairway Shot